Saturday, February 24, 2007

Will Roomba Bring Happiness?

OK onto post #2! Of all the things to write about in the world, I decided on the Roomba robotic vacuum made by iRobot. I just ordered it from Amazon last night ($170 for a refurbished high end shceduling one) and should receive it in a few days. For those of you who don't know what this is, it's a tiny disc shaped robot (13 x 4 inches, 11 pounds) that vacuums your house automatically. You just put it in the center of the room, press clean, and watch it go. The one we bought comes with a base station charger and a scheduler - essentially we program it to run at a certain time everday, it leaves the charger, cleans the house, and then returns back to the charger so that it's ready for the next day. How sweet is that!

Honestly, this vacuum may change my life. My wife and I live in an old vintage apartment a few blocks from Northwestern University. In some ways our pad is quite beautiful - old style moldings, hardwood floors, etc. The unfortunate truth, however, is that I basically forced the place on Lisa. She really didn't want to live in a place this old and she HATES hardwood floors (they get dusty and grimy very easily). A
s a result, she's obsessed with sweeping and vacuuming - seriously, 3-4 times a week - and she curses me each and every time! It's really caused me a disproportionate amount of grief. BUT NO MORE! Once we put this puppy to work, our floors should be dust free everyday. It should be here in about a week, and man do I hope it works how it's supposed to...

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